Center Fresh
Fresh breath Day
August, 2022
Center Fresh: Fresh breath Day
- One major challenge for the brand was that different brands have tried to leverage special occasions in the past to engage with their respective consumers. But no brand in the history has tried to associate them with Fresh Breath Day (August 06th). Though it gave the brand a first-mover advantage to foray into a new territory, it was also challenging to create resonance and sustenance for the same
- Center fresh, India’s leading Gum & mint brand, has been synonymous with ‘freshness’ at its core for almost three decades. The brand’s communication has brought alive relatable, contextual snippets around fresh breath confidence over the years
- To take this positioning forward and add a meaningful role in the lives of its customers, Center Fresh decided to co-opt Fresh Breath Day (August 6th) to reflect on the power of a ’fresh approach’ as a pivot to its core cue of freshness.
- As one of the country’s leading youth brands, Center fresh’s latest initiative recognises the youth of today as passionate beacons of change through their fresh approach & formidable voices. The sensitivity, fresh thinking and approach of young minds are a testament to how they’ve braved through the life-altering second wave of the pandemic
- The brand announced its collaboration with MTV India, the country’s leading youth music channel, to release a special track “Taazi Saans, Taazi Soch” dedicated to the young and spirited voices across India in the context of the ongoing health care issues across the country.
The RAP song from Krsna served as the primary component of Fresh Breath Day. The song was promoted on Spotify, YouTube, and Instagram (on the brand’s and MTV India’s social networks) in addition to the music streaming services MTV India and MTV Beats. These channels were chosen because they fit the content and our target audience.
Locally relevant storytelling and community faces were soon recognized as a key differentiator for the brand.
- The editorial exposures for the digital film launch helped the brand garner a PR Value of INR 24,125,316
- The video got more than 5 million views on YT
- Sales of Center fresh in Modern Trade and E-com channels increased by 53% in Q3’21 as compared to Q2’21
- The campaign also created a buzz in the Chandigarh, Lucknow, Pune, Kolkata and Hyderabad markets by successfully leveraging it through print and online media
- YouTube VTRs were higher than industry benchmark of 30%
- More than 40 Instagram pages featured the activity
- The positive movement seen on the consumption parameters included:
- 3 Layer Gum
- Awareness: Increased by 4pp*
- Monthly consumption: Increased by 4pp*
- Center fresh Mints
- Awareness: Increased by 1pp*
Monthly consumption: Increased by 2pp*